Top 10 Reasons Why Your Linkedin Posts Aren’t Getting Engagement

Are you active on Linkedin but struggling to understand why your posts aren’t getting any traction? In this blog post, we will look at the top 10 reasons why your LinkedIn posts aren't getting engagement and what you can do to change that. From avoiding promotional content to creating personal and thought-provoking posts. By following these tips, you can create meaningful connections, share valuable insights and grow your presence on the platform.

1. Content is too promotional

Most LinkedIn users can tell when someone is just trying to sell them something. If your videos are all about selling, people might not like them and won't want to interact with them. Instead, share useful info and tips that show you know what you're talking about and help others get better in their jobs.

2. Ignoring the engagement you do get

If you don't reply to comments and messages on your posts, people might feel like you're ignoring them and not want to interact with your stuff later on. Make sure to check your notifications and quickly answer any questions or respond to feedback. This will help create a friendly environment and get people more involved.

3. Uninteresting or irrelevant topics

Your posts should be interesting and relevant to both your followers and the people you want to reach. If your content doesn't connect with them, they probably won't engage with it. Take some time to research what your audience likes and what they need help with. Then, create content that meets those needs and keeps their interest.

4. Your network is too small

If your posts aren't getting much attention, it might be because you don't have many connections or followers. Having lots of people in your network can really help make your content more popular. To grow your network, connect with everyone you know, and if you have a page, ask your contacts to follow it. The more your content relates to your connections or followers, the more they'll interact with it.

5. Inconsistent posting schedule

Being consistent is super important for getting people's attention on LinkedIn. If you don't post regularly, you and your content will be forgotten. Make a plan for when you'll post and stick to it, so your audience always keeps you at top of mind.

6. Posts have no context

Include your perspective when posting or resharing content on LinkedIn. Without a description, it could seem spammy. Talk about the shared content, your opinions on it, or its importance in your industry. Posts with a description are much more likely to get engagement compared to just sharing photos or videos without context.

7. Not provocative enough

One reason you might not be getting engagement on LinkedIn is that your posts aren't thought-provoking. People like to engage with content that sparks interesting discussions or challenges their thinking. Try creating posts that inspire conversation or share unique insights to get more people interacting with your content.

8. You’re not asking a question

Consider adding a question at the end of your post instead of just sharing information. This approach can encourage more interaction and lead to interesting conversations. Asking questions is a great way to invite people to discuss and share their thoughts, creating better engagement.

9. You’re not being proactive

Just because you shared a post doesn't mean people will be interested. LinkedIn is like a big community, so start commenting, join discussions, and engage with other people's posts. When you help others out, they'll want to return the favour and engage with your content too.

10. Poor Quality Posts

Sharing generic content like stock photos will be a turnoff for most people. Instead, make your content more personal. Share things like company news, stories about your team, or feedback from your clients. The more personal your content is, the more interesting and engaging it becomes.


Boosting engagement on your LinkedIn posts is all about creating genuine connections and sharing meaningful content. By being responsive, consistent, and proactive, you'll build a strong presence on the platform. It may take time, but if you focus on providing value and sparking interesting conversations, you'll see your engagement slowly grow. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below.


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