A Guide to Self-Recording a Testimonial

If you've had a positive experience with someone or a company, recording a testimonial can be a great way to show your support and provide valuable information to others. In this post, we'll cover how to create an authentic and compelling video testimonial. Whether you are the one sharing your experience or the one requesting the testimonial, this guide will provide you with all the necessary information to create a successful video testimonial. Let's get started!

Define the purpose

Before creating a video testimonial, it's important to understand the reasons behind the request. Is the testimonial focused on a specific product or service? Where will the video be shared? What is the goal of the video, and what does the company hope to achieve with it? It's also helpful to consider any key points that the company may want to highlight in the testimonial. Asking these questions beforehand can help guide the content of your testimonial and ensure that it aligns with the purpose of the video.

Define the deliverables

Before you begin recording your video testimonial, it's important to understand how you will be sending the video to the requesting company or person. Will they be editing the raw footage you provide, or do they want a fully edited, ready-to-publish video? If you need to do some editing, we'll offer some helpful tips later in the post. Based on our experience, the most effective video testimonials are typically between 60 and 120 seconds in length.

Choose the right location

To record a great video testimonial, focus on these three essential elements: audio, lighting, and environment. By planning and preparing carefully, you can create a professional and compelling final product that will satisfy everyone involved.

The best place to record audio

Even though we are filming a video, audio is the most important aspect of the testimonial. To ensure that your words come through loud and clear, choose a location that is quiet and free from distractions such as loud air conditioners, fans, and traffic. Avoid locations with a noticeable echo, such as rooms with bare walls or concrete surfaces.

The best place to record video

To ensure that you look good and professional in your video, it's important to pay attention to lighting. If you don't have access to specialized photography or video lighting equipment, natural light can be a great option. Simply sit in front of a window to benefit from the most flattering light. As you can see from the image below, even moving toward the window can make a big difference.

a split screen of bad lighting vs good lighting for a video call

Another simple trick to improve the quality of your video is to adjust the camera angle. If you're recording on your phone or laptop, the lens may be pointing upwards, which can make you appear unflattering. Instead, try to position the lens at eye level for a more natural and professional look. This simple change can make a big difference in the overall appearance of your video. Check out our post on how to improve your video calls if you’d like more info on the subject. We offer some more helpful tips and tricks for looking your best on camera.

woman smiling looking directly at camera during video call


Before recording your video, think about potential distractions that might pull you out of the zone. This could include things like a crying baby, a phone ringing, an Amazon delivery, or a spouse coming home. In order to make sure that you feel confident and focused during the recording, it's best to remove any potential distractions by recording in a quiet and private space. This way, you can give your full attention to the task at hand and deliver a high-quality video.

Choose the right equipment

How should I record the video?

When it comes to recording your video testimonial, don't stress too much about the technical aspects. Most modern webcams or phones will work just fine. Remember, what matters most is your story and experience working with the company. The goal is authenticity, not high-resolution video. As long as you follow our basic lighting suggestions above, you'll be all set. Trust us, the company or person requesting the testimonial will be more interested in hearing about your positive experience than if you filmed with a camera they use for movies.

A hand holding a phone horizontal recording a table and chairs

How should I record the audio?

The quality of your audio is crucial when recording a testimonial. In most cases, it's best to avoid using the built-in microphone on your computer or laptop, as it can pick up background noise and other distractions. Instead, consider a headset or headphones that are more directional in where they pick up audio and can capture clearer, better-sounding audio. Some high-end laptops and Macbooks may have microphones that are good enough for recording a testimonial, but it ultimately depends on your location and the acoustics of the room you're in.

If you're unsure about the quality of your audio, you can conduct a simple test to check it. Ask a friend or family member to listen to your recording and provide feedback on how you sound. This can help you identify any issues with your microphone or recording setup, and give you an idea of how well your testimonial will be received. Check out our post covering 8 tips to improve your audio quality if you’d like more info on the subject.

Preparation and Structure

To create a genuine and authentic self-recorded testimonial, try answering questions as if you were being interviewed. This will help you avoid the appearance of reading from a script, which can come across as insincere. The final edited structure for the video should be similar to the following:

  • Introduce yourself and your company, including a brief description of what you do.

  • Describe the challenges or problems you were facing before working with the company or product.

  • Explain how the company or product provided a solution to these challenges.

  • Share who you would recommend this product or company to. This will help provide context and credibility for your testimonial.

So with that in mind, here are some questions you could ask yourself to get started:

  1. Introduce yourself and your company, including a brief description of what you do.

  2. How did you first learn about the company/product?

  3. What challenges or problems were you facing before working with the company/product?

  4. How has the company/product helped you overcome those challenges?

  5. What specific features or aspects of our company/product do you find most useful or valuable?

  6. How has the company/product impacted your business or personal life?

  7. What results or outcomes have you seen since working with the company/product?

  8. How does the company/product compare to others in the market?

  9. What would you say to someone who is considering working with the company/product?

  10. Would you recommend the company/product to others, and if so, who?

  11. Is there anything else you'd like to add about your experience with the company/product?

Remember to always restate the question in your answer. For example, when answering question #3, you might begin by saying, "One of the challenges we were facing was..." This helps to provide context and ensures that your response is clear and easy to understand.”

To ensure authenticity and maintain the viewer's engagement, it's best to answer these questions without referring to any notes or scripts. If you're seen glancing off-screen to read something, the video's credibility may be compromised. Don't worry about delivering perfect answers - just speak as naturally as possible. Keep in mind that the final video may only be 90 seconds long, even if you spend 20 minutes answering all the questions. The most compelling moments will be chosen, so try not to overthink each question or answer.

latino woman wearing headphones looking a computer during video call

Recording the video testimonial

Let's get started on recording your testimonial. To ensure a smooth and engaging video, here are a few tips:

  • Sit down in a comfortable and well-lit location, and make sure the camera is at eye level.

  • Press record and look directly at the camera as you speak. This helps to establish a connection with your audience.

  • Take your time and answer the questions one by one. If you need to take a break between questions, that's okay.

  • Remember that your answers don't have to be perfect. If you stumble on a sentence or make a mistake, simply start over.

  • As you speak, try to imagine yourself in the shoes of the viewer. They are likely considering using the company or product, and they are looking for helpful information to make an informed buying decision. Try to provide the insights and guidance that you would have found valuable in their position.

Finalizing the video

When it's time to finalize your testimonial video, you may need to send the raw footage to the person or company who requested it. There are a number of file-sharing services that make it easy to transfer large files, such as Dropbox, Wetransfer, and Gros Fichiers. If you only need to send a large file on a one-time basis, Gros Fichiers is a great option, as it allows you to transfer files up to 10GB in size without requiring registration.

If you are responsible for editing the video yourself, there are many different video editing software to choose from. On Mac, iMovie is a good option that comes pre-installed on most Mac computers. For PC users, OpenShot is another beginner-friendly software that is free to use. However, both of these programs do have a learning curve, so you may want to consider hiring an experienced video editor if you don't feel confident in your editing skills. To find a video editor, you can check us our company Winter Summer Media, or you can post on Upwork to source video editors from around the world.

Thank you for reading this guide on how to self-record a video testimonial. If you have any questions or need further guidance, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.


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