5 Different Types of Video Production Companies - Which One is Best for You?


When searching for someone to give your home a paint refresh, you wouldn’t hire an artist who paints fine art, would you? Just like there are many types of painters in the world, there are many people who can create video. We hope that after explaining some of the core types of production companies in the industry, you’ll have the knowledge to ensure you’re reaching out to the right people to help bring your video to life. 

a large commercial video production set with crew, cameras, lighting and film equipment

The steady rise of video has brought an influx of obstacles for the average company. Those looking to keep up with the trends and create visual content can be overwhelmed from the start because there are dozens of different styles of videos. They can range from a 10-second TikTok ad to a full-length feature film or documentary. In most cases, video production companies will specialize in producing different types of video.

Today we’re going to highlight some of the differences between the various video production companies out there. Knowing more about each one can help when deciding who to hire for your job or even who you’d want to get hired by. There is a very wide range of production companies but we’re going to focus on these five core categories:

  • Film

  • TV

  • Corporate or B2B

  • Commercial

  • Animation

Film Video Production Company

You know when you see all those different logos during the opening credits of a movie? Those are the names of the production companies that collaborated to create the movie or documentary. These companies deal exclusively with very large scale productions often involving hundreds of people working together. They have large crews, multiple filming locations, and a unique financing structure. Projects of this nature can last several weeks, months, and even years from start to finish. Film video production companies handle everything from scripts, permits, licensing, filming, editing, distribution, marketing, and more.

Man being interviewed in warehouse for documentary

What to look for online:

Film productions usually require investments in the millions of dollars. If you’re in this position, chances are you’ve already got a connection and aren’t searching on Google for a company to work with. Companies will feature their films and projects online but their websites are more informative than salesy. They may post job listings but will not accept scripts or creative submissions online. It’s more than likely that an inside contact would be needed to work with a film video production company.

TV Video Production Company

TV video production companies produce the shows you see on television like sitcoms, dramas, and travel shows. They often deal with pretty tight deadlines and put together programs that are typically 30-60 minutes per episode. Many shows are filmed using the same sets in a studio or at the same core locations. These projects still require many resources and large crews but on a smaller scale than a film set. 

What to look for online:

A company that deals exclusively in the production of TV series will heavily highlight their past and present work, the clients they’ve worked for, and any awards they’ve won or been nominated for. Their websites are mainly used to showcase rather than to sell. You may not see much contact information available online and they may not be accepting submissions for scripts or resumes. 

Corporate + B2B Video Production Companies

Companies in need of video for their website, social media channels, or internal use, may choose to work directly with a corporate video production company. This is often the case when a company knows what they need to have made but needs the technical expertise and support to bring a video to life. These types of companies can produce a diverse range of video for clients like video tours, interviews, event videos, recruitment videos, and more. They often use the phrase “full-service video production” which means they can handle all aspects of the process from storyboarding to filming, editing, and even distribution. They may have dedicated staff on hand for key roles but also work heavily with freelancers or specialists on a case-by-case basis for additional features like motion graphics and animations. 

man in suit sitting on couch in front of video lighting and microphone

What to look for online:

A corporate video production’s website will usually be split between sales copy and portfolio work. They want to prove their skills and abilities in words while showing the best examples of their videos. If you’re dealing in a somewhat niche industry, say baked goods production, it may be wise to look for a company with experience capturing food and beverage. It’s fair game to ask for more examples of their work if you don’t see what you’re looking for online. When working with a corporate video production company, you will likely be in touch with a producer or project manager who handles your correspondence and organizes the many moving parts of your project. He or she will be your primary point of contact but a larger team will be working behind the scenes on your video such as a videographer, editor, narrator, and designer.

Commercial Video Production

A lot of commercial video production work is handled by a marketing agency with an emphasis on strategy. Usually, the end client (a brand) will hire an agency to handle their entire video marketing strategy which includes commercial work that you see on TV, in print, and online. These agencies have close connections with commercial video production companies to execute their vision and present it to the client who has the final say.

a photography studio with multiple lights and backdrop

What to look for online:

A commercial video production company will really highlight the quality and style of their work. They will often have large thumbnails on their website to showcase past work with minimal emphasis on sales copy. Since they are often hired by creative agencies or marketing agencies, they may not be directly targeting the brand or business they produce videos for. Some of these companies also handle aspects of b2b video production.

Animation or Motion Graphics Studio

Eye-catching visuals can help you stand out from the competition and make your video more memorable. These companies may deal exclusively with animations or motion graphics which can be used for entire videos or to enhance features of an existing video project. For example, a video advertisement for shampoo may require some special effects of the shampoo bottle splashing in water. Alternatively, an animated explainer video may be completed by an animation studio from start to finish.

What to look for online:

Animation and motion graphics studios display their broad range of work alongside sales copy and other useful resources like a FAQ page. While some video production companies offer animations and motion graphics as part of their services, it’s not as common to find an animation or graphics studio to offer video production services as part of their packages. Depending on the nature of your project, you may be able to work with a freelancer to complete the animation or motion graphics portion of your video. Many talented artists can be found on sites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Behance.

two lemon slices in carbonated water

Hopefully learning more about the offerings among the various types of video production companies has helped in your search. It’s also worth noting that there is quite a lot of overlap between these categories. Larger companies have the capacity to offer a wider range of services and may produce TV shows while also creating video content for corporations. If you are a business owner or part of a company looking to create a video, then you are most likely looking to work with a b2b or corporate video production company. Take the time to ask the right questions to ensure that the company you’re choosing is able to fulfill your video request.

Some questions that may help identify if they’re a right fit include:

  • “I noticed most of your videos online were filmed outdoors. Before we move forward, can I see some examples of videos you have filmed in a studio setting?”

  • “I need to hire actors, a studio, and a stylist for this video. Do you have connections that can help me with that or do you mainly just film and edit?”

  • “I love this style of graphics that were used in a video on your website. Is that something you can do for my video as well?”

About Winter Summer Media

We create premium visual content for corporate videos, interviews, announcements and events. A simplified approach to all your B2B video marketing needs.


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